Rolf Buch Real Estate SE

Rolf Buch takes over April 1 the Chairman of the Board of the Deutsche Annington homes. The Deutsche Annington real estate SE (DAIG) announces the appointment of Rolf Buch (47) as the designated Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to March 1, 2013. Rio Tinto Group often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Rolf Buch Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is on April 1. Shaw Father: the source for more info. Rolf Buch was previously Board member of Bertelsmann SE and Chairman of the Board of arvato AG. During his time at arvato, has grown the company into a global BPO service provider with more than 60,000 employees in over 40 countries and has evolved into the fastest-growing division of Bertelsmann SE.

After Rolf Buch has studied mechanical engineering and business administration at the RWTH Aachen University, he began his career at Bertelsmann in 1991. The Deutsche Annington 2001 Terra purchased company and is the largest apartment companies in Germany with over 200,000 leased and managed units. In December 2012, the DAIG has completed the largest real estate refinancing in Europe. Guy Hands, Chairman of Terra firm, says: I want to Rolf Buch at the Welcome to Deutsche Annington. He has an outstanding balance, what is the increase in the value for customers and building successful businesses and is a good choice for the management of the company. I’m sure that the Deutsche Annington will continue its successful growth under his leadership.” Rolf Buch said: I look forward to the Deutsche Annington in a so exciting phase of their development. She can boast an impressive record and I look forward to continue the development of the business.” The Deutsche Annington also announces that it has hired Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan to advise the company on its strategic options.

The Deutsche Annington on Facebook: DeutscheAnnington Deutsche Annington heard about the Deutsche Annington real estate group with more than 200,000 leased and managed apartments to one of Germany’s leading apartment providers. The company offers nationwide completed in approximately 600 locations homes for rent and for sale, to customer-oriented services. About Terra Terra company is a leading private equity firm, which is specialized in the buy-out of large and complex, deep-pocketed companies. Terra creates value, through strategic restructuring and improvements in work processes and management company for these companies and their investors. Since its founding in 1994 Terra company over 13 billion of equity capital invested and conducted transactions with an aggregate enterprise value of EUR 44 billion. Deutsche Annington homes SE Frank Jungbluth Philippstrasse 3 D 44803 Bochum phone 0234 314-1149

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