Downs Syndrome Kids and Physical Education

The present work had as objective to verify the process of inclusion of carrying pupils of the Syndrome of Down in the lessons of Physical Education in the municipal net of the urban zone of the city of Santarm, to verify as the professionals of the area of Physical Education regarding the subject are acting inclusion. The present study it was defined as a descriptive qualitative research. Interviews half-structuralized with 04 (four) teachers had been made who lecionam discipline it physical education; also a script of comment of the lessons was made that had been later analyzed. When concluding this work, we verify that it is necessary to the professors of Physical Education to more have a vision deepened in relation to the subject inclusion, as well as improving its practical didactic-pedagogical, to if coming across with situations that come to occur day-by-day in relation the inclusion of pupils with educative necessities special in its lessons, as well as the use of adequate strategies so that not they exclude these pupils. We still perceive certain gap in the academic formation of the professionals of education regarding suitable the physical education or inclusive, beyond the scarcity in the formation continued on the part of the municipal net of education, mainly in it disciplines specific Physical Education.

Math in Schools

In the schools the mathematics must offer for the pupil some tools, so that the pupils can interpret a reference system in accordance with, and that they can develop a position of resolution of problems. The test evaluates if the pupil it has some technique as to read graphs, capacity to decide problems and unknown situations. The first tool that the professor can pass to the pupil is, instead of making the synthesis of the subject and placing in the picture, planning the reading of the didactic book of a partilhada form, with pause for quarrel, or to ask for so that enslaved pupil a referring text to the considered subject, and then to read the didactic book and to compare there with the presented texts and thus to add new things, and with this the pupils acquires autocorreo system and makes possible it to learn as it must study the mathematical texts and being able until studying alone. Another tool is to introduce the games in the mathematics, therefore it is important that it allows the simulation of papers, the understanding in a system of rules, interpreted modified. The pupils they will be stimulated and the will to be able to express what they find correct and without fear to make a mistake, beyond developing the capacity to argue, therefore in the game they can question the play of the colleague or defend its play. In the games the problems are always new and unknown for the pupil, them they are in a challenging situation in deciding definitive problems, and thus a pleasant and amused lesson becomes. The professor when teaching in the classroom the error is neglected and overestimated and in the game it pupil erra or does not make right does not make difference.