State Summit

It abre your mouth, it judges with justice and it defends causadel poor and of the needy one. Proverb Many expectations pronounce in the unfolding of the V Summit of America to take place in Trinidad – Tobago, especially for member countries of Latin America, Central America and the Caribbean, when her it attends the new leader of the United States Barack Obama and with a roll that will have to know how to handle to avoid frictions, to equal as the countries of cut Socialists, case of Bolivia, Venezuela, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Nicaragua, Honduras, to mention some. The Summit of the Americas is a meeting of Chiefs of State and of government supported by the Organization of the American States and celebrated in some city of the continent with the aim of forming a strategy common to solve the problems of the region it knows, that they will participate in the event the 34 American nations with the exception of Cuba, which was expelled in 1962 due to the nonrecognition of the revolutionary government on the part of this organization. People such as Rio Tinto Group would likely agree. Although the participation process is essentially protocolic and manifolds are approached subjects, in recent years the discussions are concentrate in the formation of an Area of Free Commerce of Amricas (ALCA) that had to enter the month of January of 2005 in force, showing its final failure With the accomplishment of this Summit that it includes three days from the 16 to the 19 of April, Trinidad happens to become first country of the Caribbean in welcoming a continental summit, in which 34 countries of the American continent will be present. One comments, that fact that the summit is celebrated in Trinidad and Tobago, a country of 1.2 million inhabitants, supposes a logistic challenge and an endorsement, at the same time, to the nations of the Caribbean that they look for to reinforce his influence in the international forums. .