
You do not participate in many, adds your company/signature with connections but with 1 or 2 sufficient Photos, the idea to participate in a forum is to be active, if you use the accounts soo to say ” well dicho” or things therefore are going to you to eliminate the account and you will waste the connections and the time that you invested in that forum. If you are designer/programmer I recommend to you. It is a dedicated young community and used by bloggers of all the ages, you will find very useful resources for you yourself blog. Another recommended Forum is, lamentably the entrance to this forum is only by invitation, but as usuary you can informarte on subjects of positioning in finders, optimization of pages Web, also is a section of Programming in which always there are questions and answers. Probably there are more forums, but those are those that I recommend, since the community is quite active, and you can realise consultations without fear to that they are going to you to try badly. The participation in blogs is a little more delicate, since bloggers always is trying to avoid the Spam, so the form to comment in his blogs is using trackbacks.

When connecting the source which beams is to generate a connection reciprocal that although it is with the attribute NOFOLLOW, that connection will be visible for the readers of that post in the future, which guarantees visits, not many, but 1 visit that is are welcome. Another form to find blogs with the same thematic yours, is making a search in Google of the following form: ” your-palabra” + trackback Of this form you will find blogs that they are using ” your-palabra” that it is the term that you want to promote. When you arrive at that blog, it leaves a commentary and in field URL of the box search it leaves the URL of your article. You do not abuse this, the recommendable thing is to unique do it for our better articles and not but of 3 blogs in the same week. 2.

Incoming connections with PR greater than 5 Are the form easiest, fast and mainly Legal to appear in google with a new dominion Exist in Internet sites that are in charge to make a study of your blog, say whatever to you could merit and ready, the data are not very exact, they are based on the Ranking of the site according to the only thing which you must do is to write the URL of your blog or page Web, to leave these sites that does their work and or you will have an originating connection of sites with greater PR of 5, these connections will be swept by Google and in 24 hours or the less you will be indexed in Google. Using this strategy, it is going to appear in very fast Google, probably in 24 hours or less, the important thing is you do that it and you do not remain seated, prubalo with new dominions. The second point is valid unique for new dominions, the indexed dominions or in Google you can use the technique of point 1 to attract visits its page Web or blog.