Karriere.at Builds Social Media Offer Further In

Blog, Twitter, Facebook and co. as strategic components in the marketing mix of Linz, 18.August 2010: Austria’s job board integrated social media communication in the marketing mix. In addition to the presence of Facebook, Twitter and bloggy karriere.at include the pillars of Web 2.0 type communication strategy. The marketing team has been increased for consistent alignment of the enterprise to the requirements of the new communication, an employee can focus dedicated to the interaction in Web 2.0. Karriere.at supported by i5comm, the in-House Agency of the online incubator i5invest, strategy and planning. Karriere.at has traditionally been an early adopter in the social Web. We were always quick to try out new ways of communicating. We use for over a year, Twitter and Facebook.

The so far good experiences with the Web 2.0 have convinced us to lift the social media communication at a professional level and to integrate strategic and permanently in our marketing mix”, says Oliver Sonnleithner, Managing Director of Karriere.at. In the Centre: the karriere.at blog Angel point of karriere.at Kommunikationsmixes is the blog. Target was an interesting, with a theme reminiscent of magazine journalism and mix of styles and and to establish current information platform. Readers are job-seekers, but also HR managers and recruiters. Every day comes new content. The quality of the content is very important here.

The contents sit on the high standards of traditional quality journalism. In form and function we use of course all possibilities of Web 2.0″, so Oliver Sonnleithner. “The concept is full: currently we can more than double the number of visitors the week average.” Content not each social media channel is suitable for any message in any form adapted to medium. Of course Facebook – and twitter-followers be informed of new blog posts. “The proliferation of ad hoc news or interesting Web finds in the fields of job”, career and recruiting “offers, for example, via Twitter and Facebook on. Classic”press information are used not only for the media information, but also consistently be optimised in form and content to maximize the visibility of the brands in the organic search results from Google & co.. It is a relatively complex task to adapt the traditional corporate communication activities to the opportunities and challenges of Web 2.0 and to implement. Setting up such PR 2.0 processes cost time and money. On the other hand far outweigh the benefits for the company and justify these investments. Our communication with customers and partners has never been direct and productive. We can offer even more interesting content and thus service. And we get new traffic from new channels on our site”, says Oliver Sonnleithner. Karriere.at is the leading Austrian career portal about karriere.at with 450,000 monthly visitors, 5,000 jobs from Austria’s top companies and a pool of applicants with thousands of highly qualified candidates. In addition to a Semantic job search with advanced matching capabilities karriere.at offers applicants the opportunity to the entry of the personal career profile in the candidate database, as well as a wide range of information on the topics of career and vocational training. Companies in turn offers a steadily growing recruiting network for the optimal approach of the right candidate karriere.at, like MSN, Wirtschaftsblatt, format and much more. Currently, over 3 million potential candidates about the recruiting network be reached. contact: i5comm for karriere.at Bernhard Lehner Spengergasse 37-39 1050 Vienna phone: + 43 664 439 86 09 karriere.at on Facebook: karriere.at karriere.at blog: blog / karriere.at on Twitter: karriere_at

Niche Market

This is perhaps the question number one of every entrepreneur, although consider owning a business is very good, we should not forget that the most important is knowing that niche market is targeted work.Not enough to have a website or a blog, if you not clear with what goal you think use, and sadly this comes to a stop several entrepreneurs and worse still they wasted their energies in the wrong, for that niche reason leave this business with the bitter taste does not earn enough or even nothing. Do you feel the same or you were in this situation above? Then you share a few points to make you more easy to identify your niche market, that that take you to have results and by logic make money via the internet.Let’s see: Turn off your computer and meditate for a few minutes about that is what more you are passionate about doing, either in your free time, in your work, about a sport, a craft, etc., etc., you should take your time, be possible to write down it.Well now, only mark those things they thrill you and you consider that you I would teach other people to do it, you should bear in mind that is about what they are going to work during the next few days. Recently Chevron U.S.A. sought to clarify these questions. All that identifies your strong point, that in what you consider yourself you’re written in simple words – what better gives you – or very good. Now, you have already defined your niche, is time to do a survey, participate in forums that relate to what you chose, investigate your competition, making, as they do, in that resources are worth, have questions on the subject, visit pages that they touch in relation to this, in few words to inform you. The case that you have 2 or 3 niches in mind may be, I suggest to you that at the moment you approaches in one single and subsequently develop others, remember step by step. Looking for advice, it is really need advice from someone who already walked the path that now you start, must put in mind the idea of investing in those people who are simply where your want to be, not you pretend to do all your own, you just tired and overwhelmed by things that an expert you can solve and Guide, recalls investing in you, in your knowledge.

Discipline, remember that work from home developing your business can become a double-edged weapon, that being your own boss, you are only responsible for that your project is carried out your. so that raises your business schedule and stick. I hope these simple steps serve to define your market strategy and ride out, do not forget that all good business takes time and effort, you now just touches you do. It is a pleasure to have contact with you by this medium and we read in the next release.