European Union

In recent days a report from the European Union about a list of countries with the most expensive Internet connection, which positions to Spain in fifth place in the list, only preceded by Finland, Greece, Belgium and Ireland has been revealed as the ADSL news these days. Although Spain has dropped from third place to fifth, the outcome of the study has brought with it a new slap on the wrist to providers ADSL Spaniards who have been keeping the prices is the same line during the past three years. Given the international situation and the growing use of Web-related services including the dizzying rise of the popularity of the mobile Internet and the proliferation of sales terminals with Internet access. The market has been able to react in the comparative ADSL and has endeavoured to bring to user the use of these services so that fits better into the pockets and expectations of the Spaniards. Offers ADSL in Spain have risen in recent months to offer greater coverage, accessibility and a budget that is becoming more affordable for anyone who wants to enjoy a connection. At the same time that has been observed a fall in prices and have emerged very interesting offers of recruitment packages, there has been an increase in the speed of upload that brings us more to European guidelines. Although Spain a stretch is to make the operators of the Basque country settings such as those made by Lithuania and Romania, which despite its difficult economic landscape have surprisingly cheaper fares. In Spain they are each time closer to Internet present a speed test optimum and is not an exclusive privilege of those who have a high budget and to become a service with universal access..