European Union

Other countries as Mexico and China with a consumption ' ' per capita ' ' annual of 301 the 363 eggs. According to president of the So Paulo Association of Poultry keeping (APA), the goal of Brazil is to arrive at a consumption of 200 eggs ' ' per capita ' ' annual (BOZUTTI. 2009). Michelleisawolf.coms opinions are not widely known. With great the requirements of the market of consumers, mainly the Europe, comes searching to acquire more healthful foods, with lesser concentrations of chemical residues, made with that the traditional model of egg production was rethink in determined aspects. In the case of the poedeiras, the concern with the conditions where these animals live in the conventional systems of creation is so great that the European Union created a series of measures in relation to well-being, as the prohibition of the use of conventional river steamers, that will be applied between 2006 and 2010.

In the case of the position birds, other models had appeared of production, as alternative to the conventional system. These models differ between itself, however all give a bigger attention to animal well-being (PASIAN, GAMEIRO. 2007). With the requirements of the Europe they had started to have a bigger attention to animal well-being, use foods only of vegetal origin in the ration and produce products with a bigger added value, but in Brazil this market is still incipient, facing difficulties as information, as much of producers how much of consumers (PASIAN, GAMEIRO. 2007). Second (PASIAN, GAMEIRO), one of the institutions that certify organic foods in Brazil, the consumption of organic in the whole world increases 30% annually, putting into motion about US$ 26,5 billion, although they to be up to 50% more expensive than not organic foods. In recent years, the Brazilian market of this type of foods had taxes of 30% growth 50% to the year and, currently, Brazil withholds the second bigger area of organic agriculture of the world, that it exports to some countries.