The Creator

In it we exist, we move in them, we are. What have you that you have not received? ' ' (6). Each being is productive by its very nature and first beneficiary or victim of its action. If it acts badly, God will not intervine. Each human being decides and executes its acts and is responsible for them, not God.

The Creator is first cause of all the things. The activity of the beings created, exempts or, is not creative cause second, that it makes the creation to evolve seminal reasons according to ece of fishes for the Creator in its nature. God gave to the man intelligence to make airplane, ships, car, that facilitate the displacement of its children. But if to use it them to kill, God will not hinder it, in respect to the choice freedom. Creating the man to its image and similarity, through it God acts in the world.

As well as Jesus it testifies what it saw and it heard of the Father, who believes is ally of God and witnesses of its workmanships. Quiet, the nature testifies workmanship of God; for the reason and the good workmanships the human being praises the Father. ' ' The skies tell the glory of God and the firmamento proclaims the workmanships of its hands. The day transmits to the day and night makes to know the message. It does not have speech, words, does not hear its voice. On all the land if extends to its harmony and its language, until the extremities of the world. Therefore what if he can know of it, God revealed the men. Since the creation of the world, its perpetual one to be able and deity, its invisible perfeies, are visible pra intelligence in its workmanships; they are, therefore, inexcusable, therefore, knowing God, they had not relieved the glory and action of favours that it are devidas' '.