Travel Information

Information for planning a trip from Germany in the United States. The United States of America is a popular tourist destination: In the land of infinite possibilities, you can visit large cities such as New York, Los Angeles and Chicago, waiting for multimillion-dollar jackpots in Las Vegas, and California offers stunning beaches. Whether a tour bus or a beach vacation in Miami Beach has the United States for all tastes on offer. But what should be noted about before the ride to the airport? 1 Entry requirements travelers who want to fly out of Germany in the United States, need no visa unless your stay is planned for a period of more than 90 days. Important, however, is the possession of a valid passport and the electronic travel authorisation, ESTA (electronic system for travel authorization). This entry permit may be obtained easily on the Internet or directly from the travel agency.

The Passport before the baggage arrived in the United States, provided with an entry stamp. 2. Baggage rules You fly in economy class in the United States, the abandoned suitcase must not exceed the free baggage quantity limit of 23 kg. This applies both entry and exit. In the United States, the luggage checked-in are screened and must be also open to suspicion and investigated. One piece of hand luggage which may weigh usually from five to eight kilograms must be taken on board.

In addition, a handbag or a camera bag can be included. Just like with the flights within the European Union only 100 ml of liquids in a sealed bag may be carried. 3 Before you drive the car in the United States, you should consult car on the prevailing traffic rules and signs. The speed limits indicated in miles per hour and are lower than in Germany. It is also recommended to drive, if you have an international driving license or national American licence only. In America, most people also drive automatic cars and also the rental cars are on automatic. You can book a car before your trip E.g. at the Avis car rental already. 4. Customs regulations usually travelling in the aircraft over the applicable customs provisions be clarified and need to specify a sum of money, which will be introduced in the United States. This happens also on the return flight. Your purchases exceed the maximum allowance, you must log on your purchases in Germany and, if necessary, declare. 5. Dollar exchange in the United States will be paid for with American dollars. Over the course you can consult the Internet, at the airport or at your bank. Directly convert a larger amount in Germany or with your credit card to withdraw money in the United States. But, for each payment, a small amount is calculated through which you can check at your bank. Generally speaking, you should inform yourself before travelling overland to the holiday and know the provisions of the country in which you wish to travel. Then is the adventure holidays in the land of the endless possibilities the way!