The Site

The site is the point of contact of a company on the Internet: 24 hours, from around the world. The contact between companies and users is indirectly (by the media) and directly (by the interactivity). Dialogues arise with journalists and customers, potential and already gained on the site. Here, a company about informed here it may sells its products. For all these reasons, user guide (navigation) and technology should be approached with great care on the website, their information content, design. How important are these points and how little she still respected, shows a series of investigations, for example, a study of by META Group by spring 2001, had analyzed the Internet presences of 90 insurance companies of Switzerland, Germany and Austria.

In addition to the nature and extent of the information and interaction offerings, also the searchability of sites using the most popular search engines, as well as the technical conditions were examined. Result: The presentation of the company is often more important than the use of the site for the customer. And: 73 per cent of the insurers are insufficiently present in search engines. Dirk Zimmermann, consultant META Group E-business practice judging: The companies present themselves mainly with one-size-fits-all’-homepages, which left it to the visitors, access right for him: u find. \”On behalf of the Wall Street Journal carried out investigation into websites from consumer goods manufacturers came early 2005 also devastating results: on the basis of almost 8000 interviewed Internet users that the popular consumer sites do not adequately apply the possibilities of the World Wide Web and present often only useless turned out.\” The user wanted, so the study, not primarily games and chats the sites offer, but free samples and vouchers only a few of the Web sites in the program have what. (In the face of such results it is worth some golden rules\”to) consider, for the construction or operation everyone Site have validity: as low load times as possible the most users of the Internet in Germany do not have super fast online connections such as ADSL.