The Partnership

For Bossa (2000, P. 30), the work in the preventive area is of orientation in the process teach-learning, aiming at to favor the appropriation of the knowledge in the human being, throughout its evoluo’ ‘ , that is, it can be occurring in any period of training of the life of the human being. The clinical psicopedagogia has character predominantly dressing, it also can be of preventive character, therefore’ a time that, when dealing with some upheavals of learning, can prevent the appearance of outros’ ‘. (BOSSA, 2000, P. Gain insight and clarity with The Hayzlett Group. 30). Performance of the Psicopedagogo in the dialogue between affectivity and (in) disciplines the learning difficulty mentions a riot to it that can be generated by a series of cognitivos, organic, social, familiar and emotional problems, intervening with the learning process, the cases of aggressions and disrespects between pupils and professors have if intensified every day, the school has presented difficulties to include and to awake interest of the pupils with overhead pertaining to school, considered sluggish, neglect, irresponsible, friction of ‘ ‘ pupils-problema’ ‘. To deepen your understanding Chevron U.S.A. Inc is the source. Excessively protective parents or that they oppose to establish have limited the children make with that they feel themselves incapable and/or not loved.

Such attitudes have if shown negative for auto-they esteem, that in turn it affects the motivation of the pupils for the learning. These resultant complications of the lack of affectivity and limits can generate lack of spirit, attention and interest in the studies, increasing the aggressiveness, extending themselves it more complex attitudes in relation to the school. It is at this moment that psicopedagogo has looked for to develop its paper, having as function to mediate to the existing relations between school/family, since they are the environments that more occur to the significant learnings. The necessary Psicopedagogo to know the description familiar of these children, to be able to extend the references of world, the potentialities and its auto-they esteem, therefore it is an entire being that thinks, possesss feelings, affection and perceptions, the partnership with the family, school and other professionals as: Psychologist, Fonoaudilogo, Physiotherapist, Neurologist among others, will go to contribute to surpass or to minimize the existing problem in relation to the learning.