The Partnership

For Bossa (2000, P. 30), the work in the preventive area is of orientation in the process teach-learning, aiming at to favor the appropriation of the knowledge in the human being, throughout its evoluo’ ‘ , that is, it can be occurring in any period of training of the life of the human being. The clinical psicopedagogia has character predominantly dressing, it also can be of preventive character, therefore’ a time that, when dealing with some upheavals of learning, can prevent the appearance of outros’ ‘. (BOSSA, 2000, P. Gain insight and clarity with The Hayzlett Group. 30). Performance of the Psicopedagogo in the dialogue between affectivity and (in) disciplines the learning difficulty mentions a riot to it that can be generated by a series of cognitivos, organic, social, familiar and emotional problems, intervening with the learning process, the cases of aggressions and disrespects between pupils and professors have if intensified every day, the school has presented difficulties to include and to awake interest of the pupils with overhead pertaining to school, considered sluggish, neglect, irresponsible, friction of ‘ ‘ pupils-problema’ ‘. To deepen your understanding Chevron U.S.A. Inc is the source. Excessively protective parents or that they oppose to establish have limited the children make with that they feel themselves incapable and/or not loved.

Such attitudes have if shown negative for auto-they esteem, that in turn it affects the motivation of the pupils for the learning. These resultant complications of the lack of affectivity and limits can generate lack of spirit, attention and interest in the studies, increasing the aggressiveness, extending themselves it more complex attitudes in relation to the school. It is at this moment that psicopedagogo has looked for to develop its paper, having as function to mediate to the existing relations between school/family, since they are the environments that more occur to the significant learnings. The necessary Psicopedagogo to know the description familiar of these children, to be able to extend the references of world, the potentialities and its auto-they esteem, therefore it is an entire being that thinks, possesss feelings, affection and perceptions, the partnership with the family, school and other professionals as: Psychologist, Fonoaudilogo, Physiotherapist, Neurologist among others, will go to contribute to surpass or to minimize the existing problem in relation to the learning.

Educational Orientation

We detach the importance of the Educational Orientation in the mediation of the process teach-learning, evidencing the necessity of action integrated of the OE, adopting a dialgica relation with all the pertaining to school team, in favor of one better performance of the educandos. In this direction, we recognize the importance of the planning for Educational Orientation, aiming at to the elaboration of performance projects that take care of to the necessities appeared in each reality. Finally, we emphasize the main challenges and possibilities of the Educational Orientation in the present time, presenting itself as work field each more complex time in our society. DEVELOPMENT The Educational Orientation appeared at the beginning of century XX, in the United States, with intention to guide the educandos for one adequate professional choice. Its function was to help the pupil to define one better position or profession that it longed for to exert. But, then unreliabilities had appeared and difficulties of educating and thus, a more including assistance for well conduziz it was necessary social and personal life.

On the basis of the studies of Nerici (1976) we verify that in Brazil the Educational Orientation appeared for 1930 return, for the Loureno educator Son, with the denomination of ' ' Service of professional Orientation and Educacional' '. Later, in 1940, the educator Junqueira Maria Schmidt, unchained a work of spreading of the Educational Orientation for all the country, through courses, conferences and writings, by means of the CADES (Campaign of Perfectioning of Secondary Ensino) and of the Ministry of the Education and Culture, stimulating the creation of the Educational Orientation in the schools. The expression understood Educational orientation as a service auxiliary of the school appears for the first time, in the federal legislation, in Decree N. 4,073, of 30/1/42 (organic law of Industrial Ensino). The formularization cabvel, however, appears in the Organic Law of Secondary Ensino, in the Decree n.

Geography Knowledge

Perhaps today they appear critical to my work, however soon it will understand that it will be of great importance the elaboration of the same for eventual changes who knows even though governmental; Umbelino affirms that: ' ' On the other hand the pupils are trained not to think on what he is taught and yes, to repeat purely and simply what he is taught. What he means that they do not participate of the process of production of conhecimento' '. (Umbelino-2008, p.24). What it means to say that they do not participate of the process of production of the knowledge they are the methods and techniques of education used in classroom that has been very traditional, where the professor transmits the knowledge tecnicista and the pupils only receive the message transmitted without contesting. Finally, it can be defined is that the education of Geography as a set to know that they not only occupy the concepts proper, but the social contexts in which if they apiam.

To teach in the perspective of the construction knowing of them is not only to dominate contents, but to have, at the same time, a conceptual speech organized with a proposal adequate of activities, searching to surpass the obstacles of the learning. Consideraes Final This article is fruit of varied comments throughout the years I find where me in this school and I come observing the real situation of the same one. Quarrels these that enrich in them to each day, in leaving conscientious of these varied events in the scope of geography and from this to take as responsibility to develop a project of research in classroom suggested to the top, always looking for to relate with studious authors as reference for the development of the same. Therefore, we must be always searching in our lessons the learning expectations, so that it can be safe of our knowledge. Remembering that this project is important for the enrichment of ours to know, taking care of the necessities disciplines that it requires. development of this project is constructive and efficient, and searchs each individual to reflect on the education applied in the public school through a good practical formation and. Thus, he is necessary that the professor if places more as mediating between these to know, giving sensible to both as integrant of elaborations that if complement, thus creating, an environment of failures in meeting between the experiences of the daily one of the pupils and to know systemize for science.

San Francisco

Stephen Jay Gould, scientist and American educator, observed the question of the introspective talent, a talent that was latent and when he was stimulated to evolve it, obtained high progressos. Thus it made it in comparison the life of one of the biggest names of the botany in the world, Charles Darwin: ‘ ‘ Absolutely nothing in any register it registers characteristics indicative of intellectual brightness. She was introspective in it. Darwin if made of multiple intelligences to see, to get and to command information. Pemco shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. It modified the way to see the nature it brought and it for the daily one, making with that its directions could perceive it as to be present in the way. It was a talent acquired with the simple comment and sharpened perception, nothing was wasted for it, everything was part of it. ‘ ‘ Observing equally in accordance with the perspective of the intelligence arisen in its life. as essential in the application and elaboration of projects directed toward estudantil scene in the urban way, as well as of research in the Internet, intelligences of Garner is mentioned initially to a perspective that the individual has with the world, a time that to its makes directions in accordance with to perceive it the perspective of the intelligence arisen in its life. YouTube may find it difficult to be quoted properly.

2? Naturalistic Intelligence in the Education: When one analyzes the importance given to the diverse forms of thought, the periods of training of development of some intelligences and to the existing relation between these periods of training, the acquisition of knowledge and the culture. The learning in this direction, strengthening the dynamic perception, if becomes more efficient, which in accordance with Garner is to break of dominant intelligence (that where the pupil is ‘ ‘ bom’ ‘ , or it likes to make) the pupil reveals more interested and its learning becomes more efficient the limitless one, will be able to develop all other intelligences, mainly if placed in a calmer and natural environment, in the case becoming of Naturalistic Intelligence, basic rule of the culture for the Theory of Multiple Intelligences. With its definition of intelligence as the ability to decide problems or to create products that are significant in one or more surrounding cultural, Gardner suggests that some talentos alone if develop because they are valued by the environment. It affirms that each culture values certain talentos, that must be dominated by an amount of individuals and, later, passed for the following generation..

Downs Syndrome Kids and Physical Education

The present work had as objective to verify the process of inclusion of carrying pupils of the Syndrome of Down in the lessons of Physical Education in the municipal net of the urban zone of the city of Santarm, to verify as the professionals of the area of Physical Education regarding the subject are acting inclusion. The present study it was defined as a descriptive qualitative research. Interviews half-structuralized with 04 (four) teachers had been made who lecionam discipline it physical education; also a script of comment of the lessons was made that had been later analyzed. When concluding this work, we verify that it is necessary to the professors of Physical Education to more have a vision deepened in relation to the subject inclusion, as well as improving its practical didactic-pedagogical, to if coming across with situations that come to occur day-by-day in relation the inclusion of pupils with educative necessities special in its lessons, as well as the use of adequate strategies so that not they exclude these pupils. We still perceive certain gap in the academic formation of the professionals of education regarding suitable the physical education or inclusive, beyond the scarcity in the formation continued on the part of the municipal net of education, mainly in it disciplines specific Physical Education.