Soviet Union

We, monarquistas for certainty politics, already know behind for front that the monarchic system parliamentarian, beyond being the system of more legitimate government for Brazil, is what it will guarantee a bigger democracy and human and social development, either for its historical, sociological, legal aspects, philosophical politicians and. However, although this, we are not obtaining to implant a debate opened in the society that he aims at to argue proposals in this direction. Although to verify many times signals of that the population in its collective subconscious mind would support a system as this, we we do not obtain to find space to rescue what certainly he would be the desired one for the population, being that the mere mention to our monarchic preference cause certain astonishment, seno jocosas reactions of our interlocutors. But because this happens? What it hinders the people of listening to in them, exactly if we to speak openly and to demonstrate with all the arguments that the Parliamentary Monarchy is optimum more legitimate system and for this country? Then, as almost everything in this country, the problems are well more complex, deep and sistmicos ' ' of what it can assume our vain filosofia' ' , as it said dramaturgo Breton. The defense of the monarchic system, as well as any another line of character thought conservative, finds obstacle in a called cancer cultural marxism, that, changing in small, destroys all quiet the postulates and pillars of the civilization occidental person I look with it to implant a socialist society, in similar molds to the visas in the Soviet Union, China, Cambodia, Vietnam and Cuba, that, in set, had more than caused the death of one hundred million people only in the last century, without counting to the arrests and other methods of clipping of freedom. They can think that I am seeing communist ghosts red.