Silly Season Or Not – That Is The Question

consense-journalist survey: only young journalist take a summer slump Munich the silly season is part of the summer and the Sun. Or has it also changed in the course of changing media use? To find out, consense communications (GPRA) has carried out a survey among journalists from Germany, Austria and the Switzerland. It should be found out, what’s silly season in the myth. And if PR people can benefit, because journalists are particularly grateful for good suggestions at this time? The result: The silly season is more myth than reality. What particularly surprised at the result of nearly 60 participating journalists: depends on the perception of a doldrums of the age. There is disagreement within the ranks of the journalist. 47.4% answer on the question of whether there would be a summer slump in their work with Yes 1, 52.6% no 2. Amazing: The answers not depend on whether the respondents subject or audience media work, write for what Department or whether permanent or free journalists are.

Only age has influence on the answers (see chart). The journalists are younger, the more they feel the summer slump. Lacking the more experienced journalists, however, not on issues during the summer. Their secret: To prevent this time, for example, with premature topic management. What do the survey results for the work of departments of communication and PR agencies? It is not worth, in summer more journalists to respond. Good stories are the be-all and end-all of a successful PR work. This increases the chance that the topics are picked up by journalists in the spring, autumn and winter.

Which are either suggestions usable or not. The criteria but not only these are, the season,”a participant summarizes. “” “1 of 27.1% Yes, and that will be in the future to feel” and 20.3% Yes, but the times are changing “2 of which 33.9% no, no longer” and 18.6% with No, that there never were”gmbh communications about the consense communications gmbh (GPRA) consense is an owner-managed Agency for PR and marketing communications with headquarters in Munich and deals with the reputation of businesses and products. Over 20 staff advise renowned customers from different sectors: the media companies Sony as among the customers of the agency such as the multi partner bonus program DeutschlandCard or alphabet, the fleet subsidiary of BMW. “In terms of customer satisfaction, consense communications one of the leading agencies in Germany is: since 2009, she wears an excellent seal” recommendation Portal consense is a member of the initiative fair company”and is the most popular employers among all German agencies according to the employer assessment Portal Kununu. 2012, the Agency received the trainee seal of the Absolventa job board for your fair and supportive career trainee program. Contact: consense communications GmbH (GPRA) dawn Rischpler Nymphenburger str. 86 80636 Munich Phone: + 49.89.23 00 26-25 e-mail: web: blog: facebook: consense.communications