ROAR Gorilla

Mountain gorillas are acutely threatened by extinction. In the UN year of the Gorilla 2009 hope German Gorilla protection to more support for the protection of \”gorillas in the mist\”. From our camp, we saw a herd of black, large monkeys, which were attempting to climb the highest summit of the volcano. Of these monkeys we managed to deliver two large animals to track to track which crashed with a roar into a ravine of crater opening to the Northeast\”, as the German Hauptmann Friedrich Robert describes in 1902 by Beringe, Member of the Imperial Schutztruppe in German East Africa the historic first meeting of the white with a mountain gorilla at 3,100 m at Virunga volcano Mt. Sabyino in Central Africa.

Beringe managed to salvage one of the two killed animals. Because he was able to determine genus or species of monkeys, sent the specimen at the Zoological Museum in Berlin. Where Professor Paul Matschie classified the animal as a new species of gorilla and named it after its discoverer Gorilla beringei. Today are mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) than one all of two subspecies of the Eastern Gorilla. At the latest since the film \”Gorillas in the mist\” you are the best known great apes at all critically endangered gentle giants.

Mountain gorillas are called massive and impressive creatures an adult male mountain gorilla, because of white hair is drawn on the back also Silverback, can reach a size of almost 2 metres if he upright and with pressed through knees would face – he almost never does. A bust of up to 1.70 m and arm span of over 2.5 m at 170 kg and more body weight, dull chest drums and eerie ROAR complete a perfect template for the King Kong myth. Here they are, like all gorillas, peaceful herbivore with very close social ties and only a small inner instance potential for aggression, ranking fights are decided mostly by feint attacks.