Katia Villafuerte

Reaching the upper echelons – a leadership, for example – is not a question of luck, must establish goals and time, and then find the tools for reaching that point, says Katia Villafuerte, Director of the Tecnologico de Monterrey, campus Santa Fe organizational psychology degree. A rule to rethink how to improve on the job is finding what makes you more competitive. If you’re an adult professional, think what will be your differential value with respect to a young contributor. There are probably things that make lack, such as improving the field of emotional intelligence or be more empathic, exemplifies the specialist. Contact information is here: Rod Brooks. In addition to defining the field where you want to acquire greater competence, set dates to meet your goals and continuously reviews the actions to achieve them, advised Villafuerte. Ongoing training is vital, although it is also true that managers have some defined parameters than it would like to find in his team. One of these indicators is to have employees who do their jobs without having to be behind them, reminding them of their responsibilities, describes the study Things bosses love to hear (things bosses love to hear), coordinated and published by the Internet AskMen.com portal.

According to that survey, the superiors also valued business collaborator to detect new options that allow to save resources in the Organization and get effective results. In addition, interested in who demonstrate ability to resolve difficult situations, with this last feature, the reputation of the worker increases considerably, cites the study. With regard to labour mobility, international survey of Kelly Services has detected a marked interest for Mexicans to migrate to another job. 57% Of respondents expected to meet that goal in the next five years, and its main engine is the need of earn more income. Achieving a better balance of life-work is the second cause for which a 32% seek a change, while 16% will do so by a twist in their personal interests, and 10% took that decision to visualize that the industry where he works is in decline.