Francisco Franco Workers

Consultation with the elders of the place, the previous precedent of Metro de Madrid general strike without minimum services, was in the Decade of the 1970s, with Francisco Franco still as conductor. At that time, talk about rights and obligations of workers under the Constitution could be considered little more than utopian (by its absence), but today seen today, and it seems will repeat in the coming days, whether you’re company or worker (and I count myself among the latter) is, without doubt, an uppercase unconsciousness. These gentlemen, who guided our evolution as employees, unfortunately have forgotten that, in addition to having right to strike, workers have obligations, and one of them is the fulfilment of minimum services. If today would have asked Metro workers, insurance that more than 90% would have voted for meet the minimum services. And that’s the problem in our modern society, there is a 90% of coherent population, directed by 10% of unconscious. Salary reduction affect them unions on strike? To see if anyone is coming by here and us out of doubt would be affected by the possible dismissal? No comments. Gentlemen, the end does not justify the means.