
10.0% more than have 60 years and 10.0% between 31 and 40 years. The level of predominant escolaridade is first incomplete degree (55.64%). This level of express escolaridade if almost that uniformly between workers of the 18 to the 60 years of age: 75.0% of that it has between 18 and 20 years; 60.0% of that it has between 21 and 30 years; 47.62% between that it has between 31 and 40 years; 54.0% of that it has between 41 and 50 years and 57.8% between that it has between 51 and 60 years. Observing characteristic of sort it enters these workers with first incomplete degree, we can perceive that he has a balance between men (53.7%) and women (46.3%). It has more men between 21 and 30 years of what women (8 men for 4 women); more women of what men between 31 and 40 years (7 women for 3 men) and enters the 18 21 years (2 women for 1 man).

Between 41 and 60 years the sort distribution is of 50,0% for men and 50.0% for women. But in the band above of 60 years this level of escolaridade appears in less diligent, perfazendo only 5.5%, as it is observed in Table 1. Amongst the cooperated ones of the Cooperate-center with first complete degree (16.93%) 67.3% they are men (13) and 32.7% women (8). When we observe the data of as the complete degree (12.91%); we evidence, again, that she has more men (62.5%) of what women (37.5%). Of those with according to incomplete degree, 75.0% are men and 25.0% women. 2.1 – Conditions of Life ' ' In the city where I was servant, where I liveed with my sister I abandoned me to everybody and I was in the street. It knows what you are to have relatives and nobody fondness to give nothing to you and you in the street I started there to be with shame to be in the street of the city where knew me to everybody and there I leave for the street of the world.