Central America

It is a measurement of precaution in response to the bud of ‘ E. coli’ in Europe. The USA concerns few amounts of fruits and vegetables of the EU at this time. The WHO asks to reinforce the hygiene to prevent the transmission of ‘ E. coli’ . The ministry of Health proposes when and because to send an alert. The Government of the USA said east Friday that he has increased the monitoring of the imports of tomatos, cucumbers and lettuce of the areas affected by a bud of the E.coli bacterium in the European Union (the EU). The Administration of Drugs and Alimentos (FDA) said in an official notice that stays in ” contact rutinario” with the European Union and the Centers for the Control and Prevention of Enfermedades (CDC) ” in order to watch the present bud of E.

coli O104 and rastrear” cases in the United States. ” In response to the bud in Europe and like measurement of precaution, the FDA established additional protocols on the imports and at present it has increased the monitoring of fresh tomatos, cucumbers, lettuce and salads of reas” affected, the federal agency said. After several tests to products, ” the FDA will not allow the entrance to the USA of any product that determines that it is contaminated, and if contamination is detected, it will take note from future shipments for the measures necesarias” , it warned. ” In agreement more information arises on the origin of the bud, we will fit our efforts of protection of the public health, especially in frontera” , it added. The FDA considered that the present bud of the bacterium ” ” has not affected the food provision in the USA; and it indicated that ” alguna” is no reason; so that the Americans alter their habits of food purchase or consumption. However, the agency said that ” watchman stays ” in order to take the appropriate measures. On the other hand, the FDA said that the authorities of public health of Germany not yet have identified the origin of the bud of E. coli, that has caused already more than a ten of death s in that country. The United States concerns few amounts of fruits and vegetables of the EU, particularly at this time of the year, due to the little longevity of majority of these products and their as much national availability as of countries of Central America.