Alberto Joo Castello Branco

Nobody seems to know accurately when the first coffee was taken there (or in any part of this country. They ate or they chewed. On the basis of registers that they look to unmask the myth and to know the reality on the history of the consumption and expansion of this drink. It demonstrates that it was led stops far from its native land in middle of century XV, parallel to the European maritime expansion. Arriving in the Imen, before it belonged to the Arab Empire therefore having confusion. It has studies that it demonstrates that they had been the Persians who had led? in the one for the Etipia in the VId.c century period where they had invaded this country. When arriving in the Imem, the Arabs had been the first ones to cultivate the coffee, therefore the scientific name of the plant is Arabian Coffea – scientific name of one of the most important species of the coffee.

The Arabs who had introduced the custom that ocidente preserved the custom to drink the coffee – instead of eating or chewing, as the pioneers. Later, in Africa, another species of coffee was developed, also with its types and characteristics, ' ' Robust Africana' ' , known in Brazil as ' ' Conillon' ' , where less it is consumed than the Arabic. The coffee was brought of the French Guyana to Brazil, for the sergeant-mor Francisco de Melo Vane. It did not obtain the changes in planned way asking for to the governor of the French Guyana, but to if becoming loving of it obtains it to the son by means of a gift of fired, enters the flowers dissimulated for the foliage if it found changes of seeds, thus in this gift find the embryo of the national empire. Of Par, if it extended for the Maranho, finally in 1760 was brought for Rio De Janeiro for Alberto Joo Castello Branco, where if it spread for the Of the state of Rio de Janeiro, South Lowered one of Mines, Espirito Santo and later for the Valley of the Paraba reaching later Campinas, in the old West of So Paulo later New West the region where if it finds Ribeiro Preto and Araraquara and it passed later to the purple land regions of the North of the Paran and Mato Grosso.