Latin America Political

But not only the energy of the governor is degraded or it is run out, the same happens with the energy of the towns, which seem to saturate themselves of slogans when or they have been obtained or when there is nothing no new that to offer to them. This politico-social phenomenon, can be explained by means of the entropy concept, since a dispersion of the energy exists that cannot be retaken and then, when the organism has remained without energy, irremediably dies. This is not a metaphor taken from Biology, is a reality that happens in all social body and that allows to explain the disappearance of political systems that were believed indestructible. The call beginning of the seventh year is not gratuitous. Since the sense given to the political constitutions has not been gratuitous nor risky either that prevented the re-election of the mandate of the governors. They did not have by objective to preserve inclume the figure of the governor, its objective era to give to the town the possibility of looking for something new in the matter of government, although after some time they would fall in the compulsion to the repetition and would make return the old governor. Contrasting the Venezuelan case, nothing better than the present Nazi or stalinistas Renaissances that are occurring by all Europe and that, in Latin America, comes expressing like current currency with multiple democratic dictators and tried or bad apprentices of such of raigambre Populist that have entered the fashion to institutionalize the re-elections. It is as if the heat, retaking the thermodynamic principle, when it is had tornado mechanical, is impossible that it returns to have the same quota nor original quality, of which took to the political peak from government the interested one, when turned being, therefore, in a mere mechanical process there is lost the messianic sense that it gave to heat and color to a political postulation.


Blood pressure as a trigger plays a crucial role in many diseases. High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is here much more dangerous than low blood pressure. For measurement of blood pressure is a blood pressure measuring device used. As the blood pressure actually works now? An inflatable rubber cuff is placed about two fingers wide on the upper arm above the elbow, and as long as inflated until no more blood to pass through the upper arm. After letting the air out, thus reducing the pressure in the cuff. The heart squeezes from a specific blood pressure back into the compressed artery. With a stethoscope, puts the one in the elbow of the artery, are now being intercepted flow noises that arise due to the accelerated flow of blood to the narrowing of the artery by the cuff. We now distinguish two audible sounds * The first sound is the upper value that is heard when the heart contracts and pumps blood into the vessels thereby.

This marks the systolic murmur. * The disappearance of the murmur marks the lower value, the diastolic value. From this value, the blood flowing again without any obstruction of the artery. There is thus no longer audible bruit. The diastolic value is the resting pressure of the vessels during the relaxation of the heart. It provides information about the elasticity of blood vessels. A blood pressure of 120:80 is considered very good, as good a value of 130:85 as still normal, a value of 140:90. If the measured value between 140:90 and 160:90, one speaks of a limit-hypertension, which makes medical treatment is required. Sphygmomanometer to measure the patient finds himself in the pharmacy, the cause of hypertension, high blood pressure, is often known, this is called the “essential hypertension”. Some cases are distributed, for example, a mechanical narrowing of the aorta, to a narrowed renal artery and chronic renal disease.

The Winter Depression

What to do when in the autumn, the mind is hard? We all know it: every morning at 7:00, the alarm sounds. We have to stand up. Instead of a ray of sunshine on the nose tickles us, it’s pitch-black out there. Perhaps it even rains, cold and wet. In this weather you want to hunt a dog at the door. We would prefer us pull the warm blanket over your head, us turn around and shunning as well that ugly day. A common scenario in the fall and winter months. Most of us still manages itself to stand up and to go about his daily business.

People who suffer from SAD but find it so much harder. The seasonally-dependent depression affected approximately 800 000 people in Germany, when God turns down the dimmer. (too casual?) SAD is a subtype of depressive illness, which produces less serotonin in the brain due to lack of light. Serotonin is a tissue hormone and neurotransmitter, which among other things for the perceived happiness of the Man is responsible. The brain of less of it, produced the classic symptoms of SAD occur in certain people. These can be quite different in their expression. Affected people complain but across signs of depression, fatigue, listlessness, imbalance and an overall depressed mood. This disease is casually playing down mean well-meaning family and circle of friends often: pull yourself together! You gotta think positive!” But this advice nor, like other forms of depression are useful or even helpful.

The person concerned can not the chemical operations in his brain playing a prank on him. Nevertheless, there is good news: the Novemberblues must not necessarily dive our mood in a deep dark grey. You can do something about it. This solution-oriented advice can be amazing. In the solution-oriented advice, the focus will be exclusively on the positive experience of the client events. This with the Goal, to strengthen them and gradually a sense to establish how well feels the solution of the problem. Lengthy analyses of how it has come to this situation, is expressly waived quickly and successfully to get to the desired positive results. Solution-oriented advice is thus an approach that is positive in the future and shows ways, as everyone in the dark season for joy and serenity found. Especially in times of depression determined to look forward and to learn to actively and to the own satisfaction the own future solution-oriented advice is predestined. Sandra Sopp Ebrahim

Tips For Cheaper Air Fares

Save money with perspective it is in the last years a true adventure become, through the Preisdschungel of the airlines and travel companies. Otto-normal consumers quickly loses the overview for all the muddle and annoyed at the end about the expensive ticket. As the Internet portal, there are some simple tricks that customers at the time of booking can save money. Based on the study flight monitor 2008 “identified several factors that significantly affect the fare. In particular the period of booking and the day of departure is important.

Early bird do the biggest bargain. Closer to the departure date, the more the price goes up. These price increases begin on German domestic flights even 20 weeks before 10 weeks prior to departure for flights to European countries. During this period, a one week longer lead-time already ensures significant savings. Another important factor is the day of departure itself. Dependent on the fare varies from the corresponding day of the week. For domestic flights, Friday is the best day of departure.

However, the Wednesday with an average five per cent price increase is the most expensive day of the week. Special day of departure for flights to European and non-European countries are Friday and Thursday. Adversely, however, are Sunday and Monday. On all routes, Sunday and Monday, are the cheapest days of the return journey. Furthermore as appropriate departure times and any stopovers can affect positively on the fare. More information:…/ so save it in – flight price /… Contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59