San Rafael Department

In the center of the province of Mendoza, San Rafael Department is located. On the basis of the populous city of San Rafael, the district capital, we can find a variety of sites to visit. This Department is offered as the ideal place to get Mendoza of 5 star hotels, from where you can perform a multitude of excursions that will take tourists to places of incredible beauty. This is the case of the Sosneado. Located only 142 km from San Rafael, this imposing mountain of 5169 m in height is the peak southernmost in exceed 5000 m in the cordillera de los Andes.

From here, it begins to lose height, until becoming a plain South of the Argentina Republic. The Sosneado name comes from an ancient indigenous language, and can be translated as where you first see the Sun. This corner passed into history in a sad fact starring the team of Uruguayan rugby Old Christian, who suffered a terrible plane crash in 1972, which gave rise to the well-known film live. The Hill he Sosneado is the birthplace of one of the most important rivers of the region, the Atuel River. Atuel comes from a local indigenous language, and that means I am sorry. One of the characteristics that most highlight of this river is the permanent murmur of its waters that must overcome many rapids and waterfalls, in the course of its entire length. The surface of the Atuel River basin is about 13,000 km, joining with the Desaguadero River and flowing into the Salado River, in the province of la Pampa. The area of the Sosneado this wonderfully willing to practice outdoor activities, especially for those who love sports adventure.Trekking, horseback riding and mountain biking are the perfect setting for your practice in this spot. Also it is here possible camping and devote himself to the practice of climbing on one of the hills that more challenge offers lovers of the escalation. And for those who need a relaxing moment, it is advisable to visit the pools of hot springs outdoor hot springs of the Sosneado, which have taken fame for the quality of its waters and its healing powers.Definitely, the ideal place for a great vacation in Mendoza in full contact with nature and the benefits of this land.

Earn Money Uploading Videos

The time advances and with the development of technology and new business opportunities in Internet, every day more easy and less costly, there are even many that offer profits without investing money and others who share profits by just to visit web sites. But in today I’ll teach how to make money online in a simple way that requires no experience, no investment of any kind. In fact, you can start dedicating 30 minutes a day. It’s earn money uploading videos to Youtube and other social networks like,,,, among many more. Apparently it sounds complicated but is not, the entire business is based on helping large companies or companies to sell their products and in this case we will do using only videos of no more than 10 minutes by which Videos? The reason to use videos is by the great power they have reached in the development of the Internet business, statistics have proven that they are many more effective and efficient that other online media. 12% Of traffic that moves on the Internet is video, and 75% of the videos that are on the network is of, hence we choose it as number one. How the business works.

The business of video on the internet is based on just three fundamental steps: 1. choose a product to promote 2. Perform a short no longer than 10 minutes video.(Preferably) 3. Upload videos to all possible social networks. Examples: Myspace.c Facebook.c om om Metac Vimeo .com the first step is to go to websites about affiliate programs, i.e. allowing register free and get a link of an affiliate only some product selected for you to promote. For this the most recommended is second thing is to create the video, do not worry do not need, nor digital camera not professional software, you can do so with the Movie Makers that brings Microsoft Windows as default on each computer.

The videos should be short and you don’t need to make physical appearance in the. If you want to a series of images, texts, and audio, you can begin to earn money. Finally you have to register at several sites that allow upload videos free, and start to upload it using your previously obtained in ClickBank affiliate link in the description. Use keywords in tags to improve your position and you’re done. And subtracts you finally just wait a few days or a couple of weeks and start to enjoy your winnings, these videos are paid around 3 times per month, and they have a value between $30 to $80. While most videos do you will be much better. It is good to clarify that there are a number of tricks and strategies that greatly accelerate these results, and can save you months of research.